The meeting commenced at 1:58pm and the opening prayer was said by the chairman. The chairman addressed the parents in attendance and appreciated them for their support to the school and enjoined them to keep up the good work.
The chairman demanded to know if everyone got the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs Durojaiye, a new parent, signified that she didn’t get one probably because she is a new to the school.
Many parents complained about the new school policy of shutting the school gate by 8:00 am and turning back late comers. Mr Olaonipekun applauded the decision but frowned at the approach. He said he understands that the decision is to instill discipline in the children at this tender age but, insisted the school should device other means of punishment or sanction rather than send them back home.
Mrs Longe suggested that children should be made to go to bed early as this will help them wake up early, prepare them and get to school on time.
Mr Ahmed suggested that the children should be allowed into the school but the number of days of lateness be recorded in the report card. He also suggested that the school be liberal and reconsider its stand on this.
Mrs Agede, Mrs Oluwatayo, Mr Spiff and Mrs Okorie applauded the new policy but, pleaded that the pupils should be allowed into the school. They however, suggested that pupils be delayed outside for a few minutes before being allowed in or make them miss the first lesson which starts by 8:15am.
Mr Laminga expressed his disapproval of the policy and further stressed that parents should be blamed and punished and not the children since parents are the ones responsible for bringing children to school. Some parents suggested that the resumption time should be adjusted to between 8:10 or 8:15am.
After much deliberation, the chairman Mr Akintunde told the house that the decision of the school on this is irreversible.
Mrs Onwughalu and Mrs Ogbunude also supported the new policy and admonished all parents to adhere strictly by adjusting their schedule.
Mrs Ola (the Director) however informed the house that as regards the issue of standard and school setting, punctuality is of utmost importance. She also intimated them that the first lesson starts at 8:15am and pupils who come late would be sent back home. She emphatically stated that this is the best time and the first place to instill discipline in the children.
It was finally resolved that after 8:00am of every school day, the school gate would be shut and the decision would not be reversed.
The head teacher Roberts NN read and explained items on the agenda to the parents thus:
She started by educating the parents on the Educational Fair ( Edufair). She explained that the broad theme for this year’s ‘Fair’ is tagged EVOLUTION. The ‘Fair” will take place in the school as each class will talk on Evolution in different fields like Banking, cooking, Law, Medicine Music, Clothing etc. Each class will look at the history of a particular profession from what it was then and what it is today. She also told the parents that they can advertise their products (educational items , children’s collections like kids’ wears , books, educational materials) as they will be given maidans for free. She however, solicited for sponsorship in form of branded gift items, books and other educational items from the parents and other corporate organizations they know of. Interested sponsors and exhibitors are to see the Head Teacher for further discussion.
She also informed the house that the school is planning an excursion to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Almost all parents were against any form of excursion at this time until the security situation of the country improves.
She also informed the house that the school is planning an excursion to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Almost all parents were against any form of excursion at this time until the security situation of the country improves.
The school is planning to put up a concert to celebrate the end of another successful school year. She calls for support from parents in form of cash, provision of food, snacks and other items.
The school is organizing Summer School starting from 30th June -24thAugust 2012( 4 weeks ) The fee is N 40,000.00 per participant and parents are encouraged to register their children as this is going to be an educative, informative and fun -filled event.
MENTAL MATHEMATICS FOR PRIMARY SESSION has also been introduced to help improve the numerical skills of the children. Mental Math is about learning the ideas, formats and basics in mathematics and being able to work out numerical problems without using pen and paper most times.
The Montessori curriculum of the school has been upgraded and this will take effect from next session. Children will be doing more work in reading, writing science, social studies etc.
The school’s Music School will kick off next session. For this, the school will be employing a seasoned Musical Director to tutor the children in playing some musical instruments every Saturday for an extra fee.
An Art Teacher will also be employed to assist in developing the artistic skills and creativity in the children. The P.H.E teacher will train the pupils in different areas of sports in preparation for our first Inter-House Sports competition coming up next session.
The chairman informed the house that the old committee on food inspection has been dissolved for the fact that the children of these parents do not take school lunch but bring their lunch from home. Mrs Durojaiye and Mrs Maikai volunteered to do the inspection, thereby constituting the new committee.
The head teacher reminded parents about the proper and correct dress code for pupils as most of them come to school with the wrong shirts, cardigan, shoes hair styles etc. It was unanimously agreed that pupils should not wear beads at all to school but, a neat plait with a little attachment is allowed to keep the hair neat and longer lasting. Every hair style should be kept away from the face as much as possible.
The issue of late pick-up has been over flogged during our P.T.A. Meetings and News Letters sent home regularly. The school is disappointed in the sense that most parents still pick their children late even after the time has been extended to 2:45 pm from 2.30 pm.
The Head Teacher solicited for partnership with the parents in the area of discipline as the home is an integral part of the school. She further stressed that discipline should be a combined effort of everyone and a collective responsibility of the school, home, and the community.
Mr Ahmed commended the school especially on the Montessori System and its effect on the pupils and demanded for an introduction of the system in the primary school. He also talked on the grading system of scores given to the pupils and wants them checked and corrected. He suggested that more attention should be paid to Mathematics so we will not be producing only poets but also scientists. This view was supported by Mrs Maikai and Mrs Onwughalu.
Mrs Okorie suggested the teaching of Nigerian heroes be infused into the curriculum. She also wants pupils in the primary school to be taught sex education.
Mr Ahmed and Mrs Longe asked for clarification on edufair by the head teacher.
Mrs Ezirike wanted to know when the school would start the music school as she is interested. The head teacher told her it will commence next session.
The Director informed the house that the school is looking forward to inviting parents to come and have lunch with their children. Parents welcomed the idea and wanted to know if it will be for free but, she said they will have to pay for their lunch.
The school informed the house that there has been a positive improvement in the payment of school fees since the implementation of the ‘ NO PAYMENT, STAY AT HOME ‘ policy. Most parents paid up all their fees on the first day of the policy.
Mrs Oluwatayo pleaded with the school to come up with a more convenient payment plan to ease the burden parents go through in paying fees. She suggested installment payment especially for parents with more than one child. This was supported by Mr. Ahmed.
Mrs Ogbunude commented on the proper dissemination of information concerning school activities. She suggested text messaging and an eye- catching notice board. This view was supported by Mrs Maikai.
Mrs Anosike asked if parents whose children are for dance club on Monday and Thursday which holds between 2-3 pm pay are supposed to for late pick-up. She was told by the Head Teacher that parents of participating children in any after school club will not have to pay for late pick-up.
Many parents were happy, satisfied and appreciated the effect of the Montessori System on their children. Mr. Ahmed, Mrs. Maikai, Mrs. Ogbunude, Mrs. Longe. Mrs Akindahunsi , Mrs Nike Balogun, Mrs Onwughalu, Mrs Oluwatayo and many more appreciated the school and its uniqueness. Mrs Onwughalu pleaded with parents to return to the school any item found with their children which does not belong them. She also urged parents to seek redress from the appropriate authority in the school anytime a child comes home with a report about another child rather than come to the school to threaten another child.
The vice chairman Mrs Amir also asked parents to join her in thanking the school for her primary four son’s success in the last Common Entrance Examinations. She commended the teachers for their efforts and applauded the school for the quality of education given to the children. Also, Mrs Oluwatayo spoke about her son Charles in year 4 who also attempted the Common Entrance Examination and is expecting a very good result.
Mr Akintunde finally appreciated all in attendance and prayed for them and appealed to them to continue to support the school. Meat pie and bottled water were served to all in attendance. Forty nine persons were in attendance. The meeting ended at 3:58pm with a closing prayer said by Mrs. Lawan.
Mr Akintunde Miss Uche
Chairman Secretary
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